Business Organizations and Economic Crises
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Recently I observed one thing, there was a vacant post under an organization I observed that lots of people came here to submit their applications. Actually this post was of intermediate level and the people I observed came here, were more than graduate, some of were post graduate. I observed the faces of people there was a kind of disappointment, they were withered, were anxious about their professional career.
Now one thing comes in my mind, every country is facing the same problems like rise in poverty, inflation and economic crises, especially in third world countries.
I observed that there is a great competency among organizations especially at business level, during recruitment process they prefer those who are highly trained, skilled and give the opportunity to those, who are already employed and working. The people are rejected who are fresh applicant, no experience and no required skills of the organization. They are rejected and rejected and rejected again and again. It creates disappointment, personal financial crises and national crises too. This is a type of exploitation of these people and it creates many problems like increase in poverty level, inflation and economic crises. Often we come to know the suicides of these unemployed persons.
I think this is also a basic reason of the economic crises and it should be checked.
posted by Saqib Naveed @ 7:18 AM,