Trust !!
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Trust means that you have placed your
confidence and faith in your partner, and that you expect honesty, integrity, loyalty, and respect to be at the center of your
relationship. We live life in social jungle being connected with all mortals,
so a social network is developed among these social entities. This social
network is called a relationship, this is for the purpose of connectivity,
communication, sharing (joys and gloominess) and producing offspring. So for
living a happy life we need a strong relationship with a reliable partner. Here
trust is an essential part in any relationship. Everyone
has uncertainty about whom to trust, how much to trust, when not to trust, and
so forth at one time or another time. In fact, every day we make choices about
whom and how much to trust, and sometimes we are more willing to trust than at
other times. We like to treat people as we have been treated. Smile at someone
and watch what happens back. The desire to return favors and repay punishments
is very difficult to control.So when a partner betrays our trust, it’s natural
to want to get even much worst. Essentially people think "if you are not
honest with me, why should I be honest with you?" But here my point is
that we should save relationships to keep working Prior to decide in mistrust condition
we should use cognitive power,identify the source of
problematic trust issues. Being unable to trust can destroy friendships,
careers, and marriages, but fortunately, learning to trust again is not
impossible it is possible with consistency in that relationship. I promise to save my
very important relationship and the same thing I except from you.
posted by Saqib Naveed @ 1:41 AM,