Emotional Intellegence
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

it is often not necessary that if a person is having a good IQ he is able to
deal effectively to the social relationships. May be he is showing good
performance in the study but he faces difficulty to communicating with others.
She/he feels anxiety to talk with their peers. She/he may be having bad
communicating skills. If a person having good knowledge but unable to
communicate it, then his knowledge will remain with him and will be useless. But
if a person is having high emotional intelligence he/she will show the good
performance in the field of academic as well as in social relationships with
peers and others. She/he deals affectively with the problems. She/he must have
the good management skills. She/he also copes with the stressors effectively.Because
emotional intelligence is the ability, capacity, skill or a self productive
ability to access and manage the emotions of one’s self and others. Emotional
Intelligence is the capacity to recognizing our own self feelings and those of
others, for motivating ourselves and others. It also helps in every field alike
academic, social, professionals and others.
If a person is having emotional intelligence,
he/she is able to deals effectively with difficulties. She/he is having the
capacity to cope with the stresses. She/he is having the skill of the self
management. She/he is having the ability to recognizing their goals, duties,
responsibilities, and he/she is also able to recognizing their own self not
only their own self but also able to recognizing others selves, and deals in an
effective ways.
intelligence seem to be play a vital role in the achievements. Emotionally
intelligent person is able to cope with the stress and others hardships,
because he/she is having the ability to understand the problems. They are able
to knowing about the nature of the problems and they are having the capacity to
mange and solve out the problems, difficulties and hardships. They are able to
use such are strategies that are affective in problem solving. It seemed to be
that there are no gender differences in the performance of highly emotionally
intelligent boys and girls.
IQ alone is not play an important role in measure of success:
emotional intelligence and social intelligence and luck are also play an
important role in person’s success.If someone is considered that emotional intelligence is nowadays
vital for success, then why don’t start teaching its components to students at
school? If it effects student achievement, then it is imperative for schools to
integrate it in their curricula, hence raising the level of student success.
The main objective of this study is to see whether there is a relationship
between emotional intelligence and academic success.
intelligence has been found a reliable and valid predictor of academic success
rather than general intelligence. A number of research work done in the
previous century resulted that the higher intelligence the better academic
performance. Later researches made in
other studies exposed that many adolescence boys and girls inspite of having
good IQ levels were not able to show same level of success in academic
achievement. Their waning act appeared as a result of their emotional
disturbances, problems in managing relationship, and in sufficient coping
mechanism to accord effectively with the environment.
consequences of different studies indicated that emotions, being the most
important and powerful component of personality, plays a tremendously important
role in ones well being.These
are emotions, which help one’s to make important decisions of one’s life.
Emotions facilitate ones attitude and behavior towards to realization and goals
for instance. Pleasures at gaining A grade in English class and then later
deciding to pursue a master degree in the same subject. Therefore, it can be
said that healthy emotions give intelligibility in perceptions, thinking and
analyzing everyday life situations.On
the other hand, emotions can negatively impact one’s behavior if they are not
deal with accurately and they remain unfulfilled. Unfulfilled emotions tend to
adversely affect the creativity and success of pupils. Furthermore, unhealthy
emotional state also leads to the development of different psychological
problems, which significantly influences one’s personal, social an occupational
posted by Saqib Naveed @ 3:19 AM,
Turn – taking
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Some of these strategies seems to be the source of what is
sometime describe by participants as rudeness (if one speaker cuts in on
another speaker )or shyness (if one speaker keeps waiting for it.
posted by Saqib Naveed @ 4:08 AM,
Terrance Francis Eagleton
Sunday, June 24, 2012
His full name is Terrance Francis Eagleton, born in 22 Feb.
1943, Salford. He was an English critic, novelist, essayist, nonfiction writer,
screen writer and play wright.
His father worked as an engineer. Terry attended local school before studying
at Cambridge University, where he received his B.A in 1964. He earned his PH.D
at Cambridge in 1968.
Terry is regarded as one of Britain, s most influential
living literary critic.
Eagleton best known for literary theory, which has become a
popular instructional text among academies. In this work Eagleton not only
survey such major literary theories as structuralism semiotics, and phenomenology,
but also discussed the historical and ideological conditions behind each theory
to demonstrate its limitations as well as its significance.
Literature is merely made of language, which differs between
people groups beliefs, maturity and so on, language is just pattern of sounds,
devices,rythms,literary content is use of language for a specific purpose and
end. If literature is a language “anything can be a language” the jump from
language to literature is just in giving the words more meaning than just its
practical definition.
Mr. Pinto said "if there is
any theory answers this question it must encompass all its dimensions, and even
if one of the dimensions is missing the theory fails.
Terry Eagleton, in his essay
challenges all the definitions of Literature that have been put forth and
challenges the basic understanding of literature that we have. In fact he
rejects the idea of any "basic understanding" of what is literature.
He begins with Literature being defined as imaginative writing. With
imaginative/fictional/creative writing such as works by Shakespeare, Milton
etc. other works which were not exactly fiction or imaginative writing were
included as a part for English Literature. Example: Sermons of John Donne,
Madame De Sevigne's letters to her daughter, philosophy of Descartes and
Pascal. There was no clear distinction
between 'fact' and 'fiction'.
In the late 16th and early 17th century 'novel' used both factual and
fictional events and even news reports were not considered purely factual.
Genesis read as fact by some and
fiction by others. Therefore no clear cut difference between fact and fiction. It is because Literature uses the language in peculiar ways that it is
different from everyday 'normal' way of speech.Roman Jacobson speaks of Literature as
“organized violence committed on ordinary speech".By bringing in peculiarity the language
draws attention to itself. This is the reason when you read a fairy tale that
starts with "Once upon a time..." you know that there is no real
history associated with the line but it refers to a time in the story therefore
drawing attention to itself or the text present in front of you."The formalists started out by seeing
the literary work as a moreover less arbitrary assemblage of ‘devices’, and
only later came to see these devices as interrelated elements or 'functions'
within a total textual system.These devices included imagery, sound,
rhythm, syntax, meter, rhyme, narrative techniques etc.These devices were used as literary
elements to 'defamiliarise' or 'estrangement'.In other words "It was language 'made
strange'; and because of this estrangement, the everyday world was also
suddenly made unfamiliar".Then literature was looked by the formalists as a 'special' kind of
language in contrast to the 'ordinary' language that we commonly use.But the problem here arises is that there
is no universal 'ordinary' language. In other words the so called
ordinary/common language is different for different classes, gender, region,
status and so on.
"One person's norm may be another
Same is the case with 'estrangement'
mentioned earlier. A piece of writing might estranging is one context or
community but not so in certain other. Example: in a particular society if
everyone uses the sentence "shall I compare thee to a summer's day...” in
everyday life it will not be estranging to that society anymore."Anyone who believes that 'literature'
can be defined by such special uses of language has to face the fact that there
is more metaphor in Manchester than there is in Marvell. There is no 'literary'
device - metonymy, synecdoche, and litotes and so on- which are not quite
intensively used in daily discourse"
When we read a poem referring to
a woman as lovely as a rose, the poet is telling about women and love in
general. Therefore we look at literature as non-pragmatic/practical as against
a physics textbook.The problem with this way of defining is
that non-practicality of a text cannot be defined objectively. Which means that
it depends on how a reader prefers to read the text?A reader can prefer to read Gibbon's
account of Roman Empire for information or prose style and so on.
"A piece of writing may start off like
life as history or philosophy and then come to be ranked as literature; or it
may start off as literature and they come to be valued for its archaeological
significance."What matters may not be where you
came from but how people treat you."
Therefore, Eagleton says, there is no
essence of literature because any writing can be read non-pragmatically.
Consider literature as being a
highly valued kind of writing. If this were true, then any writing can be
considered as literature. For me a letter written by my mother to be will hold
a value higher than any piece of writing by Shakespeare. Therefore a value
given to any writing must be subjective.
Values on the other hand are variable and
change from time to time.
"The so-called 'literary canon', the
unquestioned 'great tradition' of the 'national literature', has to be recognized
as a construct, fashioned by particular people for particular time. There is no
such thing as a literary work or tradition which is valuable in itself,
regardless of what anyone might have said or come to say about it."
By which Eagleton suggests that the value
that any writing enjoys is the value given to it by certain literary canon, or
authority and is subject to change.
Famous book
• Literary
• Why
Marx was right
• How
to read a poem
• The
meaning of life
posted by Saqib Naveed @ 9:39 PM,
Facebook timeline
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Facebook released a Developer application through which you could enable the Timeline
and test it. Users also had an option to downgrade to the old profile
by simply deleting the app from the Developer settings page.
Now that the Timeline has been released for all users, Facebook stated
that it will go live automatically after seven days, no matter if you
like it or not. Timeline is here to stay, at least for the next few
months. Unfortunately, there is no way you can disable it.
Labels: Biotechnology, Media
posted by Saqib Naveed @ 10:04 AM,
Heroes of Mankind
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Read more »
Labels: Education, Engineers, Technical
posted by Saqib Naveed @ 10:58 AM,
Good Poetry
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
It is very hard to give words to your feeling and then to broadcast those words. Faiz Ahmad Faiz is great name in Pakistan. It is said that someone lady fell in love with him and she asked do you love me Faiz replied my love is not for a single person if I do love with a single person I will feel myself as a criminal of God. I have to love all humanity. In return back to that lady Faiz wrote poetry in her letter which as follow.
mujh se pehli si mohabbat meray mehbub na maang
Don't ask me for the love I once gave you, my love
Don't ask me for the love I once gave you, my love
mein ne samjha tha kay tu hai to darakhshaan hai hayaat
I had thought if I had you, life would shine eternally on me
tera gham hai to gham-e-dahar ka jhagdra kya hai
If I had your sorrows, those of the universe would mean nothing
teri surat se hai aalam mein bahaaron ko sabaat
Your face would bring permanence to every spring
teri aankhon ke sivaa duniya mein rakkha kya hai
What is there but your eyes to see in the world anyway
I had thought if I had you, life would shine eternally on me
tera gham hai to gham-e-dahar ka jhagdra kya hai
If I had your sorrows, those of the universe would mean nothing
teri surat se hai aalam mein bahaaron ko sabaat
Your face would bring permanence to every spring
teri aankhon ke sivaa duniya mein rakkha kya hai
What is there but your eyes to see in the world anyway
tu jo mil jaaye to taqdir niguun ho jaaye
If I found you, my fate would bow down to me
If I found you, my fate would bow down to me
yun na tha mein ne faqat chahaa tha yun ho jaaye
This was not how it was, it was merely how I wished it to be
aur bhii dukh hain zamaane mein mohabbat ke sivaa
There are other heartaches in the world than those of love
raahaten aur bhi vasl ki raahat ke sivaa
There is happiness other than the joy of union
anaginat sadiyon ki taarik bahimanaa talism
The dreadful magic of uncountable dark years
resham-o-atalas-o-kamkhvaab mein bunavaaye huye
Woven in silk, satin and brocade
jaa-ba-jaa bikate huye kuuchaa-o-baazaar mein jism
In every corner are bodies sold in the market
khaak mein lithade huye khuun mein nahalaaye huye
Covered in dust, bathed in blood
This was not how it was, it was merely how I wished it to be
aur bhii dukh hain zamaane mein mohabbat ke sivaa
There are other heartaches in the world than those of love
raahaten aur bhi vasl ki raahat ke sivaa
There is happiness other than the joy of union
anaginat sadiyon ki taarik bahimanaa talism
The dreadful magic of uncountable dark years
resham-o-atalas-o-kamkhvaab mein bunavaaye huye
Woven in silk, satin and brocade
jaa-ba-jaa bikate huye kuuchaa-o-baazaar mein jism
In every corner are bodies sold in the market
khaak mein lithade huye khuun mein nahalaaye huye
Covered in dust, bathed in blood
jism nikale huye amaraaz ke tannuuron se
Bodies retrieved from the cauldrons of disease
piip bahatii hu_ii galate huye naasuuron se
Discharge flowing from their rotten ulcers
laut jaati hai udhar ko bhi nazar kyaa kije
Still returns my gaze in that direction, what can be done
ab bhi dilkash hai tera husn magar kya kije
Even now your beauty is tantalizing, but what can be done
Bodies retrieved from the cauldrons of disease
piip bahatii hu_ii galate huye naasuuron se
Discharge flowing from their rotten ulcers
laut jaati hai udhar ko bhi nazar kyaa kije
Still returns my gaze in that direction, what can be done
ab bhi dilkash hai tera husn magar kya kije
Even now your beauty is tantalizing, but what can be done
aur bhii dukh hain zamaane mein mohabbat ke sivaa
There are other heartaches in the world than those of love
raahaten aur bhi vasl ki raahat ke sivaa
There is happiness other than the joy of union
mujh se pehli si mohabbat meray mehbub na maang
Don't ask me for the love I once gave you, my love
There are other heartaches in the world than those of love
raahaten aur bhi vasl ki raahat ke sivaa
There is happiness other than the joy of union
mujh se pehli si mohabbat meray mehbub na maang
Don't ask me for the love I once gave you, my love
posted by Saqib Naveed @ 2:31 AM,
Impact of time on Animals

It was trend that almost every family has a dog in their house for safety reasons, mostly for their sheep, cows or buffaloes.Whenever I had to pass that way I was much confused and normally select that path to my destination that was dogs free, weather it was long, hardy or of hurdles.And it was the same case with majority of children and ladies. Some men were not afraid of this all I don't know what was the logic behind it.But recently I have observed that even children are playing with dogs in civilized and big city but in villages this phenomenon is very rare and mostly now when dogs see any child they run away.
After reasoning I have concluded that really things changes with time but this era has changed even the lifestyle of animal also.
posted by Saqib Naveed @ 1:00 AM,